Stay The Course!

Remember, Politicians Lie About Their Opponents!

Hello, Beaumont Area True Texans!

I tried to warn everyone!  Have you received an onslaught of convincing attack ads that have made you question supporting a candidate? Stay the course!  We have spent hours – and in some cases YEARS – vetting the candidates we’ve got on our slate.  Sure, every once in a blue moon we learn new information and change our minds, but that’s pretty rare, and it’s not happened with anyone this cycle. 

This means the attacks you’ve seen on John Devine for Supreme Court are patently false.  I know, I know… there’s a video and it’s so gosh-darn convincing, right?  Let’s go over this again…

It is legal to lie in a campaign.  It is strategy to do so at the 11th hour so the candidate being lied about cannot respond.  The Establishment candidates and their consultants are despised by YOU for all the things they do on an every day basis, and yet when their attack ads come out, many of you run scared right back into their arms.  No!!!!! Don’t be that voter.  Be “wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” 

Many of our candidates have been hit this week.  David Lowe does not sell XXX sites.  John Devine did not steal some old lady’s money.  Katrina Pierson did not just arrive in Rockwall. Lucci is not a secret Democrat.  Brandon Gill and Josh Feuerstein and too many others to list… all ok. 

You know what I do when in doubt?  I contact the candidate directly, and I ask very pointed questions.  I have built my reputation on it, as a matter of fact.  Settle the rumors, address uncomfortable topics, dig for the truth, don’t give up until you’re at peace with your decision. You don’t have to be the CEO of an organization to have those conversations.  I assure you the candidates would be just as available to you, and you can find contact info on any candidate’s website.  They actually LOVE talking to voters!  Build relationships now, and then when they win, they’ll be more likely to want to keep interacting with you.

As a reminder, we have voting recommendations for nearly 80 counties on our website!  That’s unheard of!  Please share the link with other voters. 

Thanks for being part of the True Texas army!
For the love of Texas,
Julie McCarty, CEO
True Texas ProjectPS.